Ewintegrate Configuration File

(last revised 2 March, 2010)
#                     Configuration File for ewintegrate
 MyModId            MOD_DEBIAS
 InRing             WAVE_RING # Transport ring to find waveform data on,
 OutRing            INTEGRATE_RING # Transport ring to write output to,
                              # InRing and OutRing may be the same.
 HeartBeatInterval  30        # Heartbeat interval, in seconds,
 LogFile            1         # 1 -> Keep log file, 0 -> no log file
                              # 2 -> log to file but not to stderr/stdout
# Debug		 		           # Write out debug messages (optional)

 MaxGap              1.5      # Maximum gap, in sample periods, allowed
                              # between trace data points.
                              # When exceeded, channel is restarted.

# TestMode                     # If you want Ewintegrate to compute and log
                              # its filter coefficients and then
                              # exit, specify "TestMode".
 AvgWindow   5                # Number of seconds of data to use to compute
                              # the rolling average, which gets removed from
                              # each sample.  If missing, no debiasing will be done

 DoIntegration                # Perform integration; if missing, no integration
                              # will be performed
 HighPassFreq        0.075    # Cutoff frequency for high pass filter
 HighPassOrder       4        # Order for high pass filter
                              # If neither of the above are specified, no
                              # high-pass filtering will be done.  It is an
                              # to specify exactly one of these two

# Specify logo(s) of the messages to grab from the InRing.
# Up to 10 GetWavesFrom commands may be used.
# Must specify installation ID, module ID and message type.
# Installation and module may be wildcarded.
# The only valid messages types are TYPE_TRACEBUF and TYPE_TRACEBUF2
# Output message type will be the same as the input message type.

# List SCNL codes of trace messages to decimate and their output SCNL codes.
# If old GetSCN command is used, location code is set to "--".
# Wildcard characters are not allowed here.
#         Input-SCNL      Output-SCNL
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